me to tell the detailed and unique stories that unfold in front of my camera. Photographing and videotaping hum-mingbirds has been a passion of mine since I met Sweetiebird, the Anna’s hummingbird, who had six nests in our yard. I developed a skill because of her. Dur-ing the time I observed It is at times exciting, beautiful, thrilling, Sweetiebird in our yard, surprising and I hope you enjoy it.I became imprinted with her young. As a result, I can fnd hummingbird nests. I have found about the image of a nest and 30 hummingbird nests in the last few years and flmed them from egg to the certain calls made fight. I also developed unique ways in which I can identify individual birds by a mother humming-so I am able to follow fedglings after they leave the nest. I am drawing bird as she approaches 4 Hummingbirds Up Close Magazine Hummingbirds Up Close Magazine 5