Photo TipsHow To Get Hummingbirds To Poseummingbirds are really fast and hard to focus on. Wouldn’t it be great if they posed for you? Well, they will if you know how H to ask. Here is what I do when I want a great photo of a hum-mingbird with its beak stuck in a fower: First of all, I have feeders in my yard which the hummingbirds have come to depend on. They show up every half hour or so looking for a bit of that sweet, sweet nectar. If I want to get a photo of one with it’s face in a rose, I get a rose and place it on a mount and then focus my camera on it. I leave enough space for the bird in the photo. Then I take an eyedropper and drop sugar water into a fold of the fower. Now, here’s the key: take away all the other feeders! 46 Hummingbirds Up Close Magazine Hummingbirds Up Close Magazine 47